Journal articles

Cooperative Agreement between Countries of the North Atlantic Ocean reduces Marine Plastic Pollution but with Unequal Economic Benefits

Communications Earth & Environment, forthcoming (2025)
Joint with Nicola Beaumont, Tobias Börger, James Clark, Nick Hanley, Robert Johnston, Keila Meginnis & Chris Stapenhurst

Clear Skies: Multi-Pollutant Climate Policy in the Presence of Global Dimming

Strategic Behavior and the Environment 10: 39–78 (2024)
Joint with Matthew McGinty
| article     | pdf

Consequences of Omitting Non-Lethal Wildlife Impacts from Stated Preference Scenarios

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 126: 103011 (2024)
Joint with Robert Johnston, Tobias Börger, Nick Hanley, Keila Meginnis, Tom Ndebele, Ghamz E. Ali Siyal & Nicola Beaumont
| article

Insights from international environmental legislation and protocols for the global
plastic treaty

Scientific Reports 14: 2750 (2024)
Joint with Margrethe Aanesen, Julide Ahi, Tenaw Abate, Farhan Khan, Hauke Kite-Powell & Nicola Beaumont
| article (open access)

Equity Preferences and Abatement Cost Sharing in International Environmental Agreements

American Journal of Agricultural Economics 106: 416-441 (2024)
Joint with Tobias Börger, Nick Hanley, Robert Johnston, Keila Meginnis, Tom Ndebele & Ghamz E. Ali Siyal
| article (open access)

Improving the ecological and economic performance of agri-environment schemes:
Payment by modelled results versus payment for actions

Land Use Policy 130: 106688 (2023)
Joint with Katherine Simpson, Paul Armsworth, Martin Dallimer, Mary Nthambi & Nick Hanley
| article (open access)

Investment Incentives in Tradable Emissions Markets with Price Floors

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 10: 283-314 (2023)
Joint with Timothy Cason & John Stranlund
| article     | pdf     | data & code

Ecological and Economic Implications of Alternative Metrics in Biodiversity Offset Markets

Conservation Biology e13906 (2022)
Joint with Katherine Simpson, Martin Dallimer, Paul Armsworth & Nick Hanley
| article (open access)     | pdf

Enhancing Spatial Coordination in Payment for Ecosystem Services Schemes with
Non-Pecuniary Preferences

Ecological Economics 192: 107271 (2022)
Joint with Laure Kuhfuss, Raphaële Préget, Sophie Thoyer & Nick Hanley
| article

A Note on Organizational Structure and Environmental Liability

Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 24: 173–193 (2022)
Joint with Laurent Franckx & Ben White
| article (open access)     | pdf

Understanding the Performance of Biodiversity Offset Markets: Evidence from an Integrated Ecological-Economic Model

Land Economics 97: 836857 (2021)
Joint with Katherine Simpson, Martin Dallimer, Paul Armsworth & Nick Hanley
| article     | pdf

Spatial Coordination and Joint Bidding in Conservation Auctions

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 8: 1013-1049 (2021)
Joint with Simanti Banerjee, Timothy Cason & Nick Hanley
| article     | data and code

Incentivising Biodiversity Net Gain with an Offset Market

Q Open 1: qoab004 (2021)
Joint with Katherine Simpson, Nick Hanley, Paul Armsworth & Martin Dallimer
| article (open access)

Innovation Modelling and Multi-Factor Learning in Wind Energy Technology

Energy Economics 85: 104594 (2020)
Joint with Neil Odam
| article

Designing Markets for Biodiversity Offsets: Lessons from Tradable Pollution Permits

Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 1429-1435 (2019)
Joint with Katherine Needham, Paul Armsworth & Nick Hanley
| article (open access)     | pdf

Dynamic Efficiency in Experimental Emissions Trading Markets with Investment Uncertainty

Environmental and Resource Economics 73: 1-31 (2019)
Joint with Timothy Cason
| article     | pdf

How Environmental Protection Agencies can Promote Eco-Innovation: The Prospect of Voluntary Reciprocal Legitimacy 

Technological Forecasting and Social Change 129: 242-253 (2018)
Joint with Chris Ball, George Burt & Erik MacEachern
| article

Transaction Costs, Communication and Spatial Coordination in Payment for Ecosystem Services Schemes 

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 83: 68-89 (2017)
Joint with Simanti Banerjee, Timothy Cason & Nick Hanley
| article

Incentive-Based Policy Design for Pollution Control and Biodiversity Conservation: A Review 

Environmental and Resource Economics 63: 687-702 (2016)
Joint with Nick Hanley
| article (open access)     | pdf

Forest Carbon Offsets Revisited: Shedding Light on Darkwoods 

Forest Science 61: 370-380 (2015)
Joint with G. Cornelis van Kooten & Tim Bogle
| article

The Impact of Information Provision on Agglomeration Bonus Performance:
An Experimental Study on Local Networks 

American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96(4): 1009-10029 (2014)
Joint with Simanti Banerjee, Nick Hanley & Daan van Soest
| article     | pdf

On Emissions Trading and Market Structure: Cap-and-Trade versus Intensity Standards 

Environmental and Resource Economics 58: 665-682 (2014)
Joint with Bouwe Dijkstra & Matthew McGinty
| article

Inciting Protocols 

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 64: 45-67 (2012)
Joint with Thijs Dekker, Herman Vollebergh & Cees Withagen
| article

Voluntary Environmental Agreements: Lessons on Effectiveness, Efficiency and Spillover Potential 

International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 6: 119-152 (2012)
Joint with Andries Nentjes & Neil Odam
| article

Carbon Trading Thickness and Market Efficiency 

Energy Economics 32: 1331-1336 (2010)
Joint with Alberto Montagnoli
| article

Patents as a Measure for Eco-Innovation 

International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 13: 130-148 (2010)
Joint with Vanessa Oltra and René Kemp
| article

Effects of Environmental Policy on the Type of Innovation: The Case of Automotive Emission-Control Technologies 

OECD Journal: Economic Studies 2009: 41-58 (2009)
Joint with Ivan Haščič, Nick Johnstone & Neelakshi Medhi
| article     | pdf

Environmental Taxes and Industry Monopolization

Journal of Regulatory Economics 36: 94-106 (2009)
Joint with Lambert Schoonbeek
| article     | pdf

Technology Diffusion, Product Differentiation and Environmental Subsidies

The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Topics) 9: Article 11 (2009)
Joint with Matthew McGinty
| article

Technology-Forcing through Environmental Regulation

European Journal of Political Economy 23: 903-916 (2007)
Joint with Andries Nentjes & Doede Wiersma
| article

Market Structure and Technology Diffusion Incentives under Emission Taxes and Emission Reduction Subsidies

Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 163: 256-268 (2007)
| article

Location Choice by Households and Polluting Firms: An Evolutionary Approach

European Economic Review 50: 425-446 (2006)
Joint with Bouwe Dijkstra
| article

Marktconform Milieubeleid en Technologische Diffusie

Maandschrift Economie 67: 335-348 (2003)
Joint with Edwin Woerdman & Andries Nentjes
(in Dutch)

The Taxation of Drivers and the Choice of Car Fuel Type

Energy Economics 21: 17-35 (1999)
Joint with Jan Rouwendal
| article

Short Term Reactions to Changes in Fuel Prices: A Panel Data Analysis

International Journal of Transport Economics 26: 331-350 (1999)
Joint with Jan Rouwendal
| article

Klimaatverandering en Landbouw: Weinig Nadelige Effecten, Grote Mogelijkheden tot Bestrijding

Tijdschrift voor Sociaal Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek van de Landbouw 12: 28-38 (1997)
Joint with Henk Folmer & G. Cornelis van Kooten
(in Dutch)